4611 Bedford Blvd, Wilmington DE 19803 | (302) 529-7050 | larry@hoovercs.com
For those looking for a great database to develop their applications with, you can count on us for sales, support, and programming in filePro. filePro as been a premier development tool for businesses for three decades, and continues to be a wise choice for it's power and flexibility. It is cross platform: it runs on SCO Unix, Linux, Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, and FreeBSD.
FilePro is produced by Fp Technologies, Inc. Further information on the product can be found at fptech.com.
filePro support that we can supply includes:
We can provide a full range of IT services to your company including: Unix and Linux services, system administration and support, all types of networking, server installation and setup, disaster preparedness and prevention, and custom programming.
All Services4611 Bedford Blvd, Wilmington DE 19803 | (302) 529-7050 | larry@hoovercs.com